“He used to be a photographer...” It was such a simple comment. A client was introducing me to relative of his. The comment should have hurt, but it didn’t, and that’s the problem. My wife and I have a great company we own. It provides us with a living, but it does not provide me any real passion. I’m a productive entrepreneur, but I’m not an effective artist. I take great images, but I don’t sell them. I don’t even share them with much of the world at large. At least when I used to work in a camera store, I was involved in the photography world each day. Now photography is just something that I long to do again. Jon Acuff said “that our dream job isn’t something we discover, it’s usually something we recover”. It is time to recover my dream job.
I have a great photography website, if I were to build on it, refine it, and promote it. I have the time to take great images, if I would just make the time to take great images. I have great cameras, if I were to utilize them daily. I have an eye to see great images, and I will share that with the world. It is time to change the “if’s’ into “wills”.
I will commit to the following to further my photography.
· A weekly blog post.
· Regular updates to my images on my website.
· Regular participation in social media (Viewbug, facebook, twitter).
· A monthly photo outing with local groups.
· Monthly entries in photo competitions.
Most importantly, I will once again get involved in my photography on a daily basis. This is a promise I will make to myself, and to those of you that enjoy seeing my images and have encouraged me to get back to doing what I love to do with my life. Thank you for you support and for your kind words.