I have made goods strides in learning the ins and outs of Adobe Lightroom. It is a useful and complicated piece of software in our tool kit. I would say it is the equivalent to an entire darkroom from the old days. It is made up of several modules. The two most used and talked about modules are the “Library” and the “Develop” module.
I have used Lightroom for some time now and now have 8000 images in my “Library”. This module allows me to download images, add keywords, and store them in folders that I find useful. I can then go through the images and flag them, rate them with 1 to 4 stars, and color code them for future reference. The main feature I use is the ability to create collections, which are organized by me to show specific types, styles, and starred images that I use most of the time.
I am going to be learning a lot more about the “Develop” module in the near future. This is an image I created as I perfect my Lightroom workflow. Think of the workflow as printing a picture in the darkroom. You can lighten and darken the picture (in Lightroom it is called global adjustments). You can dodge and burn the picture (in Lightroom it is called Local adjustments). Now with Lightroom, you have so much more control over the developing process.
So, with all this control you can go from “THAT” to “THIS”.